Friday, December 8, 2006

Brent Everett Jacking

To lose weight, you need a comprehensive approach that ensures long-term loss and progressively, taking into account all the factors involved: the degree of overweight, food type, activity level physical motivation for treatment compliance, etc. Remember that losing
weight is above all a health issue. Values \u200b\u200bof these two very important points
What is your weight? A little means a lot. A loss of 5-10% of your current weight will bring great benefits to your body while improving the appearance.
How long is appropriate? An excessively rapid loss is not healthy or realistic. Control your weight
regular doctor you trust, where:
inform you of their initial weight, ideal weight, and weights and objectives.
We offer scheduled appointments for the coming months.
Obesity is a health problem. It is a disease in itself turn causes numerous complications: hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol ... Obesity is not a cosmetic problem. The worst is precisely what is not. Excess calories and fat we eat is converted into body fat.
Your problem requires a multifactorial treatment:
balanced diet low in fat.
Increase your physical activity. Move around and avoid a sedentary lifestyle.
Your doctor will rule that your child is overweight to a medical problem that needs treatment.
We offer psychological support and only when they need any medicine.
Tips for eating
Choose foods low in fat.
Reduce consumption of sugar. Give
feeding in 5 meals a day: breakfast, midmorning, lunch, snack and dinner.
No alternate periods of fasting with meals.
Eat slowly and chew food thoroughly.
Reduce consumption of red meat and increase fish.
Eat plenty of vegetables.
Take 2 to 3 pieces of fruit a day. Avoid those with lots of sugar content: bananas, grapes, figs, cherries, persimmons, custard apples, ...
Drink plenty of water, between 1.5 and 2 liters a day.
Avoid or limit intake of fried or cooked with too much fat.

Apoquindo 4100, of. 205-210, Edificio Medico Apoquindo, metro Alcantara, Las Condes.
tel. 9209808


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