Wednesday, May 11, 2011

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Heritage E-Lite Blue , Now Improved!

Taking into account the latest market developments and the needs of distributors and consumers on the issue of weight control, Heritage has enhanced its product E-Lite Blue to perfect. First of all you will have to include you with a product like no other on the market. The E-lite Blue is more than a product for weight loss and is ideal for people with:

• Pre - Diabetes and Diabetes

• High Cholesterol • High Levels of Stress

• Low Energy Levels

• Indigestion • Difficult to remove grease

abdominal formula

Complete E-lite Blue can help improve your health in different ways. This product has ingredients that block one of the key processes that create body fat: Chronic inflammation. Indicators of chronic inflammation are now being used to determine the risk of obesity in people. In addition they are also being used to determine the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

addition to reducing chronic inflammation through specific nutrients, E-Lite Blue provides power - instant energy and energy at the cellular level. We have improved the product increased the ingredients that provide "instant energy" such as Citrus aurantium and caffeine, so people can actually feel the product is working and you'll notice even more energy in a short time after consumption. While this happens, other ingredients such as Alpha Lipoic Acid and Coenzyme Q10 are working to fuel the engine of each and every cell in the body, each and every cell in the body to burn calories more efficiently, delaying aging of the body and fighting diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

E-Lite Blue: A product that outperforms all competing products!

consider very important to let them know that the above changes are not reflected in the product label because only changed quantities of ingredients but these are still the same.

Elite Azul

Heritage Elite Blue

Elite Azul

is a unique product was designed and focused on finding the physical, mental and emotional, that will make you feel slimmer and younger.

Heritage E-Lite Blue designed for your body to burn fat and desinflama, giving more energy, decreasing the cellular aging process.

One of the most important features Heritage E-Lite Blue is that it focuses on the main causes of overweight: Chronic inflammation .

Chronic inflammation is caused by the activation of the immune system and resistance to insulin, produced by the consumption of simple sugars and starches, thus initiating a vicious circle. When the immune system is activated, it releases agents that cause inflammation, better known as cytokines. These cytokines cause the creation of fat cells and cause decreased sensitivity to insulin. Fat cells produce more cytokines and these, see more fat cells, and so on.

In other words, the inflammation is caused by excessive intake of nutrients, some infections and stress. All these causes can result in increased levels of secretion of these cytokines lead to chronic inflammation, leading to a significant increase in weight.

Heritage E-Lite Blue come to break this vicious cycle of weight gain because it contains ingredients that facilitate cell in inflammation. Once the cell inflammation, decrease insulin resistance, stabilizing blood sugar levels in the blood, mainly by reducing size, fat and weight. Besides this, start a better absorption of nutrients resulting in an increase in physical energy, physical and mental.

clip_image002 Heritage E-Lite Blue is unique because in addition to burn fat and feel lighter, contains powerful anti-aging ingredients help our bodies to create new cells and strong, allowing a more youthful, wrinkle reduction and increased energy.

Heritage E-Lite Blue surpassed all barriers to competition.


  • ingredients that help energy levels and energy production: A group of ingredients provides direct energy (Bitter Orange, Green Tea), while the second group of ingredients supports energy metabolism within cells (Alpha Lipoic Acid, Medium Chain Triglycerides, Carnitine, Acetyl-L-carnitine and coenzyme Q10.

  • Ingredients that help a balanced and healthy immune system: Alpha Lipoic Acid, Acetyl-L-Carnitine , Coenzyme Q10 and Cocoa.

  • ingredients that help make healthy blood sugar levels in the blood: Chromium, Carnitine, Acetyl-L-carnitine.

products that complement Blue Heritage E-Lite: Omega 3, DI, Emerald Green and blockall.

Blue Heritage E-Lite is a product that is a breakthrough in the fight against overweight, kissed on the concept of diminishing Chronic inflammation.

  • Green Tea: The combination of caffeine and polyphenols increases thermogenesis of brown fat (fat is the deep, lean, is not aesthetic contour.)

  • Bitter Orange: Provides immediate energy.

  • Alpha Lipoic Acid: Protects and rejuvenates mitochondrial; support optimal energy production, increases sensitivity insulin, and reduces hunger and cravings.

  • Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT): produce a feeling of satiety and increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation.

  • L-Carnitine Fundamental in the transport of long chain fatty acids into mitochondria to be converted into energy.

  • Acetyl-L-Carnitine Fundamental in the transport of long chain fatty acids into mitochondria to be converted into energy, this form of carnitine can cross the blood brain barrier and assist the operation mental health and nerves.

  • Coenzyme Q10: Help in converting food into energy, as it is a cofactor in the production of ATP (the body's energy units).

  • Cocoa: The theobromine and theophylline in cocoa helps the immune system health.

  • Chrome: improves insulin sensitivity, ie, stabilized blood sugar levels in the blood to reduce hunger and cravings.

  • Carnitine and Acetyl-L-Carnitine By improving cellular activity, these two forms of carnitine and also help healthy blood sugar levels in the blood.


# 1. Detoxify your AGENCY: Before any treatment for weight loss or some other condition, it is necessary to make a detoxification SLIM TEA. We seek to unlock the cell wall so that nutrients are well captured by the cells and treated properly. They are getting to the center of the cell where energy is produced. Generally our cells are blocked by hormones, acidity, fat or drugs. Wherever there is fatty tissue, poor circulation, filters the body such as liver or kidney, which need debugging skin, lungs, urinary system, large intestine, that's where they act to detoxify Heritage products. Although it is extremely important this first step (can be optional).

# 2. REGULAR, stabilize and metabolize energy; IS THE PERFECT COMBINATION WEIGHT LOSS: SLIM TEA, BLUE ELITE , and ELITE II, is the perfect trio to remove the fat, give energy and pizzazz to your agency stabilize hormonal disorders, excellent diuretic, helps reduce fat deposits and cellulite, improves insulin sensitivity, giving a balance to the levels of blood sugar, which increases the efficiency of metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. Promotes thermogenesis and enhance energy, help enhance the feeling of being counteracting the negative effects of stress and anxiety, helps metabolize energy and improve mood. It also suppresses the appetite because of the process promotes glycogen in the liver, by sending a signal to the brain that it is "satisfied." This potent combination of thermogenic herbs prevent burning and fat, we added Chromium Picolinate TM patented by the Division of Human Nutrition, Department of Agriculture (USDA). This ingredient has been shown to stimulate fat loss, help build muscle, lower cholesterol and improve blood sugar. The Chromium Picolinate TM can activate two forms of action for fat loss: a feedback mechanism that reduces the feeling of hunger and an indirect mechanism that burns more calories. Because optimize blood sugar, helps to stimulate the immune system, which helps protect against heart disease diabetes, diseases caused by germs, and can also help slow the aging process.

Blue Elite Treatment

Heritage you Slim is a delicious tea blend apple and cinnamon with herbs carefully selected for their ability to "clear the way." The liver and kidneys are the two principal organs of filtration body is therefore very important to our health to keep these bodies detoxified so that they can work at their maximum level of functioning. Otherwise, the toxins, which are usually removed, create a wide range of health problems such as weight gain, fatigue, skin problems, depression, allergies, digestive problems, and many more. Slim Tea is designed to help you feel lighter, cleaner and more energy every day!

Possible Benefits:

  • Slim Tea can be used regularly as a cleanser and detoxifier. Frequency This periodic cleaning is determined by how "clean" you are living - their food, water, air, exercise, etc. Tip: To help you clean your body to use Slim Tea for one week each month. This type of cleaning is designed to lighten the burden of detoxification overworked bodies such as the liver and kidneys.

  • Slim Tea is excellent to use before starting a weight loss program. Tip: Take Slim Tea for 5 days before you start your program. A clean system will allow you to dispose of fat better. Also when you start taking supplements, the body may absorb and use them more effectively - including products for weight loss.

  • Slim Tea is an amazing addition to the weight loss program.

Tip: Take Slim Tea daily for 10 days, then suspend it for 3 days, and repeat this cycle through your program. Optimal digestion and elimination will help balance your body to reduce food cravings. Additionally Slim Tea helps to remove water that is created by the dissolution of fat.

Heritage Svelte contains ingredients that are potent suppressors of appetite, invigorate and energize, and help the digestive tract health and balance blood sugar levels in the blood. These combined ingredients to help you strengthen your willpower to resist temptation, eating smaller portions, and inspire physical activity. With Heritage Svelte their emotional and physical state will help him fulfill his desire to achieve your weight loss goal! Outstanding Features

some Selected Ingredients:

  • Tyrosine - amino acid is the precursor of many neurotransmitters. Studies have shown that 90% of overweight people are deficient in one or more of the powerful neurotransmitters that regulate appetite.

  • Vitamin B6 - critical cofactor in the synthesis of the regulation of appetite by the transmitters serotonin and dopamine.

  • Geranium - powerful herb that provides a healing effect on the entire digestive tract, thereby improving digestion which provides greater absorption of nutrients (reducing cravings), as well as improving waste disposal.

  • Calcio - many studies have concluded that higher intake of calcium is correlated with the decrease of the accumulation of fat, it is so important in the process of weight loss such as diet and exercise.

  • Schizandra - a substance that modulates and lowers our physiological reactions to stress "adaptogen" (including the accumulation of fat), and acts as a tonic to invigorate and enhance the power ..

JUBILEE Heritage is an incredible combination of herbs, vitamins, minerales y aminoácidos enfocados en combatir las causas claves de exceso de peso. JUBILEE le ayuda a controlar el apetito y aumentar la energía, factores que conducen a la pérdida del exceso de peso con la mínima cantidad de obstáculos. Heritage siempre está explorando por todo el mundo para encontrar los ingredientes más nuevos y efectivos que podamos incorporar a nuestra línea de productos para la pérdida de peso, y hemos descubierto algunos ingredientes muy avanzados.

    Características Sobresalientes de los Ingredientes Seleccionados:

  • Cha d’Bugre – esta hierba es altamente comercializada en Brasil, donde se encuentra hasta en forma de té en los food stalls on the beach. It is an excellent diuretic and assistant in the weight loss, and is also believed to help reduce fat deposits and cellulite.

  • Vanadium - this mineral improves insulin sensitivity, improving the balance of blood sugar, which increases efficiency in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.

  • Cocoa Extract - herb that promotes energy and enhances thermogenesis, also because of the content of theobromine in cocoa helps improve wellbeing.

  • Tyrosine - an amino acid precursor of many neurotransmitters, thus positively affecting the feeling of wellbeing and energy, tyrosine is also a precursor of hormones related to stress, and therefore helps to counteract the negative aspects of it.

E-Lite II is a combination botanical and mineral nutrients and other highly effective in weight management, and designed to help in their effort to lose weight. E-Lite II has been formulated as a weight control product specifically for those who prefer less stimulating products to aid in weight loss process.

    Possible Benefits:

  • Aiding in the metabolism of fats.

  • Increase metabolic rate and loss of calories.

  • Reduce body fat, develop lean muscle and decrease appetite.

  • stimulate the thyroid gland.

  • stimulate circulation, relieve nausea and indigestion.

  • Increase energy


  • Reduce fatigue and depression.

  • off excess fluids.

  • Minimize excess fat in the liver and increase function. Assist in neural transmission.

  • help reduce cholesterol.

  • Purify the blood and stimulate the immune system.

Prevent the accumulation of fat through the efficient transport of fats in the blood.


DESINTOXICANTE http://pastillaselite.blogspot. com / p / slim-tea.html
ELITE II http://sveltevic. / e-lite-ii /
JUBILEE http://pastillaselite / p / jubilee.html
ELITE DRUG -e-lite.html
PROTEIN SHAKE http: / / / e-lite-protein-shake /
VIDEOS http://sveltevic / my-videos /

Any questions or information please contact:

To view the Catalog Heritage Products, Enter each category
If you have more information on treatments for weight loss, available at the following links:

Pages: / victoralain /

's Blog:

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Svelte - Jubilee PC Elite Treatment Teléfono móvil Svelte Correo electrónico
Trabajo Elite Blue Bombilla Weight Loss Elite Pulgar hacia arriba
& Pads Elite # 160; Estrella Ligona Chica


CELL: 045 833 1279 045 - (Victor Mtz)

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Technorati Tags: lose weight , as underweight, diet , diets, E-lite, Elite, Elite 1 Blue, Blue Label Elite, Elite I , , obesity , Elite 1, Blue Label Elite, a new start , treatment weight loss, medication weight loss, weight loss medication , e-lite


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